Newsletters, Landingpages,
Social Media Campaigns, and Editorial Ads

Newsletters, Landingpages, Social Media Campaigns, and Editorial Ads

Client: HÖHER Management GmbH

HÖHER provides postgraduate training in the nursing sector. The purpose of its advertising efforts is to achieve resales through customer loyalty, image strengthening, and new customer acquisition through recommendation. The strategy is to reinforce coherent and sustainable marketing campaigns with added value and give the recipient the feeling of being an important part of a larger community. My role was to turn rough briefs, containing only discounts, course descriptions, and communication channels, into these ads.

Role: advertisement design, editorial design, marketing concept assistance
Team: Marina Romanowa (project management, marketing concept),
Kai Lindrath (art direction)

Role: advertisement design, editorial design, marketing concept assistance
Team: Marina Romanowa (project management, marketing concept),
Kai Lindrath (art direction)
Client: HÖHER Management GmbH

Target Groups

The two main target groups of HÖHER are nursing staff and decision-makers in medical and nursing facilities. Despite differences in day-to-day work, both groups have mixed demographics and social media affinities. Both are addressed equally on all channels. The overall tone reflects HÖHER's values of empowerment and strong belief in the New Work movement.

Two Target Groups — One Tone of Voice​

Two Target Groups
One Tone of Voice

To feed customers' hunger for discounts during Black Week and turn the spectacle into a special community experience, new discounts are released every day for one week on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. The twist: They're designed like weather forecasts for the day.

Clear Weather for
Price Falls in November

Clear Weather for Price Falls in November

This small campaign captures the longing for a post-Corona time during the lockdown in 2021 and is aimed at the mass of caregivers who have quit their jobs due to the overwhelming workload during COVID-19. It combines the freedom to go out and have adventures with the freedom to pursue personal development.

Your Next Adventure
Is Awaiting You

Your Next Adventure Is Awaiting You

This editorial advertisement in HÖHER's Client magazine promotes a new course for health coaching and provides detailed information about the course content.

Promoting a New Course

Infomercial Promoting a New Course

In 2021, HÖHER started a new podcast consisting of several series specializing in topics for employers' and employees' development. I designed the series' covers, featuring the series' hosts, and assigned matching colours with higher saturation, further evolving the brand's colour. The Podcats series was presented in a raffle in which one-on-one coaching could be won.

Social Media Raffle
Promoting a New Podcast

Social Media Raffle Promoting a New Podcast
